Albany Snake Run Skate Park | HCWA Heritage Conference 2024 thumbnail

Albany Snake Run Skate Park | HCWA Heritage Conference 2024

At the end of last year, our very own heritage specialist Sian Ferraz took a trip down to Albany for the Heritage Council’s Heritage Conference to speak about Albany’s heritage listed Snake Run Skate Park. Built in 1976, Albany’s Snake Run Skate Park was the first purpose-built skate park in Australia and was an important […]

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Glanville’s Conservation Works Complete thumbnail

Glanville’s Conservation Works Complete

DAR Studio has been overseeing grant funded conservation works at the Glanville’s Buildings in East Fremantle. Supported by the Heritage Council’s Grant Program, the conservation works included careful removal of existing paintwork, masonry repairs to limestone and brickwork quoining, and application of a new limewash coating. Check out these amazing before, during, and after photos. […]

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Chung Wah Association Hall | Conservation Management Plan thumbnail

Chung Wah Association Hall | Conservation Management Plan

In mid-2023, Dar Studio prepared a Conservation Management Plan (CMP or CP) for the Chung Wah Association Hall in Northbridge. Built in 1910 and opened in 1911, this two-storey Federation Free architectural style building played an important role in the cultural, social and educational life of the Chinese community in Western Australia.  The building originally […]

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Conservation Management Strategies | Fremantle Prison World Heritage Site thumbnail

Conservation Management Strategies | Fremantle Prison World Heritage Site

Dar Studio has been working closely with the conservation team at Fremantle Prison for the past few years to prepare a suite of Conservation Management Strategies (CMSs) for key buildings across the World Heritage Listed site. This unique opportunity has resulted in nine new CMSs, which each which include an individualised and comprehensively researched historical […]

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Heritage Assessments | Assessment of Cultural Heritage Significance thumbnail

Heritage Assessments | Assessment of Cultural Heritage Significance

It is common for heritage places to undergo an assessment in order to determine the reasons why it is considered important.  Depending on the level of importance attributed to a place, this may be a short assessment undertaken as part of a Local Heritage Survey, or it may be a more comprehensive assessment for when […]

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Archival Record | What is it and why do I need one? thumbnail

Archival Record | What is it and why do I need one?

As an owner of a heritage property, you may at some stage need to have an Archival Record prepared for your property.The most common reason for needing an Archival Record is when the Heritage Council of Western Australia (HCWA) or your Local Government Authority (LGA) require that one be prepared prior to development or demolition […]

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