Heritage Assessments | Assessment of Cultural Heritage Significance

It is common for heritage places to undergo an assessment in order to determine the reasons why it is considered important. Depending on the level of importance attributed to a place, this may be a short assessment undertaken as part of a Local Heritage Survey, or it may be a more comprehensive assessment for when places are being considered by the Heritage Council and Minister for Heritage for entry into the State Register.
An assessment of cultural heritage significance is key to understanding a historic place, as it provides a documentation of the history of the place (often identifying which bits of the building are original and which are later changes) and it also provides a series of value statement which explain exactly why the place is important.
The Dar Studio team has a long history of researching, assessing, documenting and writing assessments of places of cultural heritage significance. With over a decade of experience, the team has led assessments of places across the entire state of Western Australia, from Broome to Esperance, Perth to Coolgardie.
As the team has experience working under both the new and old Heritage Act, including writing policies and guidelines for heritage asset management, we have a broad knowledge and understanding of places of cultural heritage significance.
Including both metropolitan and regionally located places, some favourite heritage assessments undertaken by the team include:
The Goldfields Water Supply Scheme
Narrogin Migrant Huts
Albany Snake Run Skate Park
South Fremantle Power Station
Central Greenough Front Flats
Perth Zoo
Royal Perth Hospital Precinct
WA Coastal Wireless Stations
Lake Richmond, Rockingham
Morby Farm Cottage, Northam
Tibradden Windmill and Homestead
Esperance Fish Cannery
Claremont Teachers College
Pensioner Guard Cottage, Northam
Red Post Boxes Group
Nedlands Post Office
New Kalgoorlie Court House
Numbala Nunga, Derby
If you are interested in further information about Heritage Assessments, or have been advised that you need one and want some advice, get in contact with our Dar Studio team.