Heritage Grants | How can we help?

As an owner of a heritage property, you may be interested in applying for financial assistance to help undertake works or prepare documentation to help provide you guidance in making decisions.
The Heritage Council of Western Australia (HWCA) runs an annual Heritage Grants Program to support owners of State Heritage places undertake conservation works or commission a conservation management planning document.
HCWA offer State Heritage Grants including:
- Up to $50,000 for conservation projects – such as structural stabilization, masonry repairs, re-roofing, damp mitigation
- Up to $16,000 for documentation projects – such as preparation of a conservation management plan or conservation management strategy
- Up to $100,000 for Major Conservation Projects.
All funding is matched on a dollar-for-dollar basis by the property owner.
Application for grants usually opens around mid-year and successful applicants are notified by the Minister for Heritage towards the end of the year. Works are expected to be undertaken within a timely manner, with regular updates provided to HCWA via the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH).
All Heritage Grant Program projects must be guided or overseen by a suitably qualified heritage professional or consultant. Through our credible experience in the industry, Dar Studio is able to undertake this role and can assist in the application process, as well as managing conservation works and preparing documentation.
Previous State Heritage Grant projects managed by Dar Studio include:
- Conservation Management Plan update for Chung Wah Association Hall, Northbridge.
- Conservation Works to Meerilinga Building, West Perth.
- Conservation Works to Stirling Arms Hotel, Guildford.
For the 2023-24 Program, conservation and repair works have recently started at Granville’s Buildings in East Fremantle and works are expected to start soon at Chung Wah Association Hall, in Northbridge. Make sure you stay connected with our LinkedIn and Instagram pages for updates of this projects as they progress.
If you are considering applying for a Heritage Council Grant, or just want some information or advice about the process, get in touch.